WE BELIEVE in the expansion of the kingdom of god to all tongues, tribes, and nations.
mission/ministry tripS - ABROAD and at home
(Guatemala, Thailand, Memphis and Home of Grace)
“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?”
Food Pantry
We are collecting canned goods for our food pantry. We have people from time to time that are in need of food items and we try to keep a fresh stock on hand when they come by. Please bring CANNED items only. We cannot take anything wrapped in bags, boxes or any type of paper. (We DO NOT accept clothes.) Each month we are concentrating on a particular item. The list above outlines the types of food and some suggestions for each month. You may bring your items to the church any time during regular business hours or worship times.
Connect Ministry
We would like to introduce to everyone the ministry called CONNECT. In the recent past, we became aware of people in our congregation who have felt forgotten. We recognized the need and began the process of trying to stay “connected” with one another. CONNECT aims to reach out to those who can no longer attend church as well as reach out to everyone who can come to assemble regularly. Volunteers who have accepted this task are called our “CONNECT TEAM”. These representatives will, from time to time, Facebook Message, text, email, call, or send a card to stay connected and also be available to receive prayer requests.
Hopefully, everyone will receive this ministry and recognize it as a reflection of Jesus’ love in us that compels us to do His work.
A.C.T.S. ministries
The purpose of ACTS (Actively Committed to Service) is to :
Provide a meal for those in need
Visit the sick in the hospital
Minister to those at the funeral home
Encourage the downtrodden
You may sign up on the list provided at the church or contact Martha Williams.
Calendars are provided at the church for each month. You can sign up on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays to make your contact with those in need. Martha will text you the day before you signed up for to give you your assignment for the day.
N.A.I.L. Ministry - (Needs Addressed In Love)
If you or someone you know has a need (ex. I need a bed for my family, a washing machine, a sitter for the elderly, etc...) this is the place to request that need (to send us a need CLICK HERE). Our Church Staff will review the need and post the appropriate information on our Church's Facebook/Twitter accounts. We will include instructions for those who can help to contact the church office. We will coordinate the rest. All personal information will be kept confidential. (Please note that in cases of material items being dropped off at the church, we can only coordinate the "transfer" of items, "storage" is not an option).
Home of Grace
One of our ministry outreaches includes Pastor Cliff & Pastor Ed leading a worship service once a month on the 4th Monday (7pm to 8pm) at Home of Grace (Christian based addiction recovery program). You can be a part of this ministry by accompanying our team of Pastors and musicians to the Home of Grace Chapel. Be an encourager to the men of Home of Grace as they try to break the chains of addiction.
For more info on how to get involved with this ministry CLICK HERE
The Home of Grace, a nationally known addiction recovery program, has helped tens of thousands of individuals battle various types of addiction. In operation since 1965, they have used hands-on experience to build an addiction recovery program filled with success stories.
CLICK HERE for more info on Home of Grace
Who we support Locally
Fieldhouse for the homeless
Fieldhouse for the homeless is the hub of services for the homeless in the Hattiesburg/Pine Belt area. Fieldhouse for the homeless provides escape from heat or cold, a place to rest, access to bathrooms, laundry cleaning, showers, job search, health screenings, housing assistance, ID assistance and other services homeless men and women need.
Click Here for Fieldhouse Facebook
Click here for Fieldhouse website
Mercy’s Mission- Rwanda/ Congo -Supports Orphans and Widows in Africa
Sean & Alice Collier - Cambodia
click here to learn about the collier's mission work or donate
Rick & Bev Zachary - South Asia
Click here to learn about compassionasia
Jim & Dianne Clair - Africa
Click here to learn about the Clair's mission work
Arsenio & Josefina Manzano - the Philippines
Click here for the Manzano's Facebook page
Ezzard & Lisa Ayson - the Philippines
Click here for the ayson's Facebook page
Bill & Peg Pearson - Dominican Republic
Click here to learn about the English Church
Click here to learn about CIFI missions
Ed & Sandy Zogg - Dominican Republic
Click here to learn about the Zogg's Mission work
Click here for the English Church East Facebook page
Kimberly Guess - Kim serves in Bucharest, Romania on a church-planting team. She serves through children’s ministry, evangelism and discipleship. Other ministries include teacher training, orphan outreach and team treasurer.
Click Here to Learn More about Kim Guess and ABWE
The McNair family- Honduras
Roberto Sequeria- Nicaragua